Transformation Functions#

For transformation functions, it will be helpful to include property in the request to help associate the transformation function values, for example:

    "select": [
            "property": "<attribute_name> [string]"
            "function": "roundTimestamp",
            "alias": "<alias_name> [optional string]",
            "parameters": {
                "property": "<attribute_name> [string]",
                "time_interval": "[second|minute|hour|day|month|year]"

We omit property for brevity in the following examples.

For an explanation of nested functions, see the guide Composing Functions (Advanced Usage).

Array Slice#

The function arraySlice retrieves a slice of an array attribute, taking the start of the slice and the length of the slice as parameters.

NOTE: The start of slice parameter is 1-indexed.

Query Request:

    "select": [
            "function": "arraySlice",
            "alias": "<alias_name> [optional string]",
            "parameters": {
                "property": "<attribute_name> [string or nested]",
                "start": "<integer_index> [int]",
                "length": "<length_of_slice> [int]"

Sample Request:

    "select": [
            "function": "arraySlice",
            "parameters": {
                "property": "summary_token_probs_likelihoods_all",
                "start": 1,
                "length": 5

Sample Response:

    "query_result": [
            "arraySlice": [

Round Timestamp#

Rounds a timestamp property to the provided time interval. This function requires one property which must be an attribute of type datetime and one parameter, time_interval.

Query Request:

    "select": [
            "function": "roundTimestamp",
            "alias": "<alias_name> [optional string]",
            "parameters": {
                "property": "<attribute_name> [string or nested]",
                "time_interval": "[second|minute|hour|day|month|year]"

Query Response:

    "query_result": [
            "<function_name/alias_name>": "<rounded_timestamp> [string]"

Sample Request:

    "select": [
            "function": "roundTimestamp",
            "parameters": {
                "property": "inference_timestamp",
                "time_interval": "day"

Sample Response:

    "query_result": [
            "roundTimestamp": "2020-08-10T00:00:00.000Z"
            "roundTimestamp": "2020-08-09T00:00:00.000Z"
            "roundTimestamp": "2020-08-08T00:00:00.000Z"

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Label By Max Column#

Given a list of columns, returns a string column with the name of the column containing the max value for the row. For example, this function can be used to extract the max probability from a vector of probability properties.

Query Request:

    "select": [
            "function": "labelByMaxColumn",
            "alias": "<alias_name> [optional string]",
            "parameters": {
                "properties": [
                    "<property name> [string]"

Query Response:

    "query_result": [
            "<function_name/alias_name>": "<one of the properties from the given list> [string]"

Sample Request:

    "select": [
            "function": "labelByMaxColumn",
            "alias": "classPrediction",
            "parameters": {
                "properties": [

Sample Response:

    "classPrediction": [
            "classPrediction": "class_1"
            "classPrediction": "class_1"
            "classPrediction": "class_2"

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Bin Continuous#

This function bins a continuous value based on supplied thresholds. The bins will be formed as: [< threshold_1, threshold_1 <= x < threshold_2, ... , threshold_(n-1) <= x < threshold_(n), threshold_(n) < x]. The response bins will be labeled with an integer id corresponding to the ordered bin, starting at 1. If n thresholds are given, n+1 bins will be returned.

Query Request:

    "select": [
            "function": "binContinuous",
            "alias": "<alias_name> [optional string]",
            "parameters": {
                "property": "<property name> [string or nested]",
                "bin_thresholds": [
                    "<threshold_1> [number]",
                    "<threshold_2> [number]",
                    "<threshold_3> [number]"

Query Response:

    "query_result": [
            "<function_name/alias_name>": "<bin_id> [int]"

Sample Request:

    "select": [
            "property": "age"
            "function": "binContinuous",
            "alias": "ageBin",
            "parameters": {
                "property": "age",
                "bin_thresholds": [

Sample Response:

    "query_result": [
            "age": 10,
            "ageBin": 1
            "age": 20,
            "ageBin": 2
            "age": 70,
            "ageBin": 3

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Bins To Quantiles#

Returns an array of values representing the quantiles based on the number of bins passed to the function. For example if you supply "num_bins": "10", then this query will return the value in your data at the 10%, 20%, … , 90%, 100% quantiles.

Query Request:

    "select": [
            "function": "binsToQuantiles",
            "alias": "<alias_name> [optional string]",
            "parameters": {
                "property": "<attribute_name> [string or nested]",
                "num_bins": "<num_bins> [int]"

Query Response:

    "query_result": [
            "<function_name/alias_name>": [

Sample Request:

    "select": [
            "function": "binsToQuantiles",
            "alias": "quantiles",
            "parameters": {
                "property": "age",
                "num_bins": 10

Sample Response:

    "query_result": [
            "<function_name/alias_name>": [

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Date Diff#

Returns the difference of two timestamps in units. Valid units are: second, minute, hour, day, week, month, quarter, and year.

Query Request:

    "select": [
            "function": "dateDiff",
            "alias": "<alias_name> [optional string]",
            "parameters": {
                "unit": "[second|minute|hour|day|week|month|quarter|year]",
                "start_date": "<attribute_name> [string or nested]",
                "end_date": "<attribute_name> [string or nested]"

Query Response:

    "query_result": [
            "<function_name/alias_name>": "difference [int]"

Sample Request:

    "select": [
            "function": "dateDiff",
            "alias": "date_diff",
            "parameters": {
                "unit": "second",
                "start_date": "inference_timestamp",
                "end_date": "prev_timestamp"

Sample Response:

    "query_result": [
            "date_diff": 100

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Returns the value of the column offset rows next to this row in the ordering. default is the value that is returned when the offset goes out of bounds on the row set. It is recommended to use this function in a subquery with an order_by clause to get consistent ordering.

Query Request:

    "select": [
            "function": "neighbor",
            "alias": "<alias_name> [optional string]",
            "parameters": {
                "offset": "<offset> [int]",
                "property": "<attribute_name> [string or nested]",
                "default": "<default_value> [any]"

Query Response:

    "query_result": [
            "<function_name/alias_name>": "neighbor_value [any]"

Sample Request:

    "select": [
            "function": "neighbor",
            "alias": "prev_timestamp",
            "parameters": {
                "property": "inference_timestamp",
                "offset": -1,
                "default": null
    "order_by": [
            "property": "inference_timestamp",
            "direction": "desc"

Sample Response:

    "query_result": [
            "prev_timestamp": "2021-06-15T00:00:00.000Z"

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add, subtract, multiply, and divide are valid arithmetic functions. Each takes two columns as input and returns the result of the arithmetic expression.

Query Request:

    "select": [
            "function": "[add|subtract|multiply|divide]",
            "alias": "<alias_name> [optional string]",
            "parameters": {
                "left": "<attribute_name> [string or nested]",
                "right": "<attribute_name> [string or nested]"

Query Response:

    "query_result": [
            "<function_name/alias_name>": "expression_result [number]"

Sample Request:

    "select": [
            "function": "multiply",
            "alias": "double_home_value",
            "parameters": {
                "left": "Home_Value",
                "right": 2

Sample Response:

    "query_result": [
            "double_home_value": 20000

Sample nested request to compute (Home_Value + Car_Value) * 2

    "select": [
            "function": "multiply",
            "alias": "double_loans",
            "parameters": {
                "left": {
                    "nested_function": {
                        "function": "add",
                        "alias": "total_loan",
                        "parameters": {
                            "left": "Home_Value",
                            "right": "Car_Value"
                "right": 2

Sample Nested Response:

    "query_result": [
            "double_loans": 20000

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Absolute Value#

Take the absolute value of a property.

Query Request:

    "select": [
            "function": "abs",
            "alias": "<alias_name> [optional string]",
            "parameters": {
                "property": "<attribute_name> [string or nested]"

Query Response:

    "query_result": [
            "<function_name/alias_name>": "<abs_value> [float]"

Sample Request:

    "select": [
            "function": "abs",
            "alias": "abs_delta",
            "parameters": {
                "property": "delta"

Sample Response:

    "query_result": [
            "abs_delta": 55.45

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Logical Functions#

equals, and, and or are valid logical functions. Each takes two columns as input and returns the result of the logical expression. These follow the same API as Arithmetic Functions

Query Request:

    "select": [
            "function": "[equals|and|or]",
            "alias": "<alias_name> [optional string]",
            "parameters": {
                "left": "<attribute_name> [string or nested]",
                "right": "<attribute_name> [string or nested]"

Query Response:

    "query_result": [
            "<function_name/alias_name>": "expression_result [0 or 1]"

Sample Request:

    "select": [
            "function": "equals",
            "alias": "has_phd",
            "parameters": {
                "left": "education",
                "right": 4

Sample Response:

    "query_result": [
            "has_phd": 1

Sample nested request to compute has_phd or has_masters

    "select": [
            "function": "or",
            "alias": "has_higher_education",
            "parameters": {
                "left": {
                    "nested_function": {
                        "function": "equals",
                        "alias": "has_phd",
                        "parameters": {
                            "left": "education",
                            "right": 4
                "right": {
                    "nested_function": {
                        "function": "equals",
                        "alias": "has_masters",
                        "parameters": {
                            "left": "education",
                            "right": 3

Sample Nested Response:

    "query_result": [
            "has_higher_education": 1

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